We are delighted you are interested in a place for your child at Wood Wharf Kindergarten.
The registration process is relatively straightforward, but there are some key stages to be aware of, as outlined below.
1. Arrange A visit
Learn MoreTo register your child’s place, first, make an appointment to visit us.
During the visit, you will be able to ask us any questions you may have about the nursery and discuss the next steps of the admissions process.
2. Complete our admissions process
Learn MoreFollowing the visit, if you and your family are happy to proceed, we will send you an offer letter (dependant on place availability) with all relevant documentation.
We require a completed online form which incorporates an Acceptance Form, Medical Information Form and Parental Consent Form; please email the completed and signed form to us as soon as possible as places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
You will need to pay an admin fee of £150, which is non-refundable. Details of how to pay this will be outlined in the email.
Once we have received your completed forms, £150 admin fee and an acceptance deposit of £750, your child will be offered a place or placed on our waiting list (dependent on availability).
3. Waiting List
Learn MoreAvailability is assessed on a termly basis, taking into account any leavers or room moves. We will inform you if a place becomes available. If your child does not receive a place to start at the requested time, they will remain on the waiting list until a place becomes available. Places are offered on the basis of the following order of priority:
- A child with a sibling already at the nursery
- Full time place requests
- The date of waiting list registration
4. Settling-in sessions
Learn MoreOnce your child’s place has been confirmed, we will arrange the settling-in sessions with you. We kindly request that you stay for all sessions to help both you and your child build a bond with your key person. The sessions will take place as follows:
Session 1: 1 hour to complete your child's profile on the Famly app. We will also discuss your child's individual needs.
Session 2: 1.5 hours to complete the "All about me" form plus baseline assessment so that we understand your child's developmental needs
Session 3: 2 hours for you to trial leaving the room, remaining relatively close by if your child becomes unsettled
Session 4: 2.5 hours to provide a further opportunity for you to trial leaving the room (if required)